May’s Café: 519-510-2475 | Escape the Old Post : 519-510-2222

We’ve been anticipating this day since we began renovations late last fall.

Repair of the roof is critical so that all of the work already completed inside isn’t in vain – and that means removing the precariously balanced 1,000 lb. bell, and its rotted wooden cage. You can read a short history of the bell here.

Here’s a play-by-play of the action at the Old Post this morning:

preparing to remove bell
Old Post owner Michael Hendrick and local contractor Tony Hale prepare the cage to be removed

michael hendrick on roof of harriston old post
With the cage removed, the bell can be removed

michael hendrick gives thumbs up to remove bell
Old Post owner Michael Hendrick gives the thumbs up to lift to the crane operator to remove the bell

harriston post office bell removal
The bell dangles above the Old Post

no bell on harriston post office removal
The bell will be returned once roof repairs are completed

harriston post office bell removal crew
The removal crew poses with the Old Post bell

Amazingly, the whole procedure took under an hour thanks to the heavy lifting of a crane!

We can’t wait to return the jewel in the Old Post’s crown to her newly reinforced perch. We’ll hear her ring again very soon.

Learn more about how you can help make that happen.